PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Coyote found in fresh produce section of Aldi supermarket in USA The toilet with the most incredible view Fake credit card reader on a gas pump This luxury motorhome is worth 1.4 million euros… Magnificent The dangers of potholes on the road When your excavator is out of control Look at the power of the piranha’s jaw There are those who throw and others who pick up. A frozen cat… or almost Le marquage de cette route est plutôt dangereux When your excavator is out of control deea 4952 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 39 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Quand ta livraison de bières se passe mal du début à la fin deea February 22, 2023 These workers chose the wrong method to destroy a bridge deea February 1, 2023 Ce motard n’a pas vu que la route était en travaux deea February 26, 2024 He tries to get his car out of the garage… and completely fails deea September 12, 2024 A motorist forces the passage and forgets to slow down deea April 13, 2023 A very painful motorbike ride deea January 2, 2024