PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Pretty fail chopping wood…no luck He had a lot of luck… or a very solid skull Quick and easy way to get abs…for life Bad day at work for this gardener These madmen throw themselves into the sea in the middle of a storm When you have no money for the dentist Œuf surprise Drivers surprised by large potholes Where did the big bear go They rescue dog trapped in Turkey earthquake cave-ins When you have no money for the dentist deea 4878 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Quand tu n’as pas d’argent pour le dentiste (Visited 2,787 times, 1 visits today) arracherdentdentistefailhumourinsolite You might be interested in A grandma appears out of nowhere to stop this robbery of a Rolex store deea June 16, 2023 Bus on fire in Nîmes deea January 19, 2023 This panda is a little bored… so he keeps himself busy deea March 22, 2024 A drunk biker does anything on the road deea May 12, 2023 gymnast split deea September 25, 2023 A fisherman falls into the water while fishing deea January 20, 2024