PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This biker ends up on the roof of the car… lucky This biker ends his race on the roof of a car… Lucky This biker lands on his feet…lucky Don’t bother the manta rays… it stings badly The swimming pool on top of a building during the earthquake in Taiwan When you find yourself in a toilet in the middle of the road because of the wind An impressive backflip… or not Le trick de trop en scooter Images of the Taiwan earthquake filmed on the highway Tornado breaks windows of apartment on top of building When you find yourself in a toilet in the middle of the road because of the wind deea 4882 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 31 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Dancing in a bar is risky deea September 13, 2024 Always beware of the rising tide deea November 7, 2024 A swarm of bees invaded her car, she moves it to a real hive deea September 11, 2023 Manège imprévu pour ces skieurs sur le remonte pente deea January 11, 2023 Giving your horse bangs… very ugly haircut deea August 21, 2024 Look why all these men are running out into the street… deea November 4, 2024