PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS AC75 Britannia foiling monohull A Bryde’s whale eats fish A Tesla trying to park itself… or almost The school bus in the Netherlands…classy A toilet with a hell of a view When the Haitian representative to the UN decides to drink directly from the water carafe A trash can explodes while emptying itself into the truck… Starship Shuttle Takeoff Test Advertising airship crashes in city Antoine Griezmann and his good humor will be greatly missed by the French team When the Haitian representative to the UN decides to drink directly from the water carafe deea 4885 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 26 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in He tries to steal a car with tinted windows while the owner is in it deea April 26, 2023 Des trains qui se croisent à pleine vitesse… flippant deea December 29, 2024 Elle gagne 250.000 Dollars au Loto et célèbre ça à la station service deea January 10, 2025 She will remember her scooter ride for a long time deea July 11, 2023 This bus driver gives it her all first thing in the morning deea November 6, 2023 He will hate his dad and the bike for the rest of his life. deea February 7, 2023