PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Where did the big bear go They rescue dog trapped in Turkey earthquake cave-ins Launching fireworks in your garden… risky A biker disappears…nice magic trick This road is cursed… or poorly constructed We found Gandalf’s dog: you will not pass The fault opened by the earthquake in Turkey is impressive A woman forgot her things at the hairdresser He steals a boat and has to call for help because of the storm A wild boar attacks snowboarders on a track We found Gandalf’s dog: you will not pass deea 4900 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea On a trouvé le chien de Gandalf : tu ne passeras pas (Visited 87 times, 1 visits today) animalchienchutefailgamellegandalfinsolite You might be interested in Extreme delivery man… Everything on a motorcycle deea July 25, 2023 This dog wants to play with his human… but the human is a little too young deea March 22, 2023 He crosses paths with a huge anaconda in a very small stream deea October 12, 2023 This release of racing pigeons during a competition is just INCREDIBLE deea January 7, 2025 Conduire ou envoyer un texto, il faut choisir deea March 19, 2024 The takeoff of planes on the beach of Saint-Martin, an “attraction” which killed a tourist deea January 7, 2023
The takeoff of planes on the beach of Saint-Martin, an “attraction” which killed a tourist deea January 7, 2023