PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Stuck on the escalator in a ridiculous way Very modern manicure This cat is not going to appreciate the joke The joke he plays on his cat is hilarious But what is this guy doing in the kitchen of this restaurant? Very modern manicure A lion in need of cuddles… adorable but impressive Look who comes to check the quality of the fish caught Ces ouvriers vont avoir une vilaine surprise en coulant une dalle de béton ! He climbs on a giraffe at the zoo in cowboy mode Very modern manicure deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 110 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in A man steals a steamroller to go for a ride deea December 6, 2023 Un cycliste manque de se faire percuter par un train deea November 6, 2023 The delicate landing of a plane that lands with a missing wheel deea February 6, 2023 Ce petit spectacle indien avec des épées est très risqué deea December 28, 2024 Big mistake in troubleshooting this car deea November 23, 2023 Lightning hits a tower in Belgrade… incredible storm deea May 29, 2024