PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Best Water Fails Try Not To Laugh Watching Ultimate Water Fails Fun Tube Une lotte ça mange vraiment n’importe quoi… Ce chauffeur de camion a oublié qu’il transportait une pelleteuse en passant sous le pont Un camion détruit un pont en passant dessous… Chargement bien trop haut Des voitures et un bus franchissent un passage à niveau fermé A pony who doesn’t want to be saved… stubborn and stupid A mass, blindfolded… a bit of a scary game We can’t even eat peacefully anymore Un camion détruit un pont en passant dessous… Chargement bien trop haut deea 4952 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 13 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in This biker ends up on the roof of the car… lucky deea April 2, 2024 The lunch break was a little too drunk deea June 7, 2023 A cockatoo spins its wheel deea September 16, 2024 She’s going to have a lot of luck in her kitchen deea July 25, 2023 Man falls from 19th floor of building and survives without serious injury deea April 13, 2023 The tire of this van explodes on the road deea August 6, 2023