PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS A motorist in a bit too much of a hurry This motorist in a little too much of a hurry takes a car This is what short people go through every day Tourists approach lions… not even afraid This octopus holds the hand of this adorable diver… Two men are playing who will last the longest on a wooden log that floats on the water Employees come to wash the fountain of a statue and collect the jackpot This truck driver absolutely wants to pass through a rough little New York A girl, a skateboard and a pot… you’re not ready This kid will be traumatized by mud puddles for the rest of his life Two men are playing who will last the longest on a wooden log that floats on the water deea 4883 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 1,420 times, 4 visits today) You might be interested in This biker lands on his feet…lucky deea April 2, 2024 This roller skater takes huge risks in road traffic deea April 15, 2023 A river of rocks flows down a mountain deea August 1, 2024 Une table bien trop solide deea February 25, 2024 Giant hailstone storm in China… impressive deea April 30, 2024 This dog ate blue hair dye… oops deea April 18, 2023