PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS The swimming pool on top of a building during the earthquake in Taiwan When you find yourself in a toilet in the middle of the road because of the wind An impressive backflip… or not Le trick de trop en scooter Images of the Taiwan earthquake filmed on the highway Tornado breaks windows of apartment on top of building Look where that kid was stuck. You can’t sin here my boy His luggage will be very, very expensive This cat wants to hurt but knows how to hold back Tornado breaks windows of apartment on top of building deea 4880 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 45 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in A live report interrupted by a little unexpected… Pafff deea April 19, 2023 Riding a motorcycle without a front wheel… tense and risky deea August 8, 2023 Baby stingrays dancing on the glass of an aquarium… So adorable deea February 18, 2025 When Kim Jong-un’s boat ends up in the trees deea August 4, 2024 Il réussi un backflip incroyable au ras du sol deea January 11, 2023 Une lotte ça mange vraiment n’importe quoi… deea December 22, 2024