PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Elle se souivendra longtemps de son tour de manège A somewhat dangerous slide A pit filled with salt water in Egypt… ideal for floating in the sun Incredible camouflage technique of a spider We can no longer pee quietly here Tip for opening a can without using the tab A middle finger to the Frenchman – Martinez got around the rules in the final Death dive… Risky but successful Nice revenge on the barrier This motorist comes close to the worst when a truck passes… Crazy Tip for opening a can without using the tab deea 4882 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Astuce pour ouvrir une canette sans utiliser la languette (Visited 74 times, 1 visits today) astucecanetteDroleinsoliteouvrir canettetuto You might be interested in This extreme skydiver was very lucky deea December 4, 2023 This idiot flips his electric car around the bend deea March 13, 2023 Getting stuck in a toboggan…failed deea June 17, 2023 Chez les aigles, papa bosse autant que maman deea March 15, 2024 He films surreal clouds in the Oregon sky deea June 28, 2023 When you use a flamethrower upside down… oops deea January 23, 2023