PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS When you forget the handbrake on your moving truck… FAIL When you forget the handbrake of your car parked on the port… Oops He comes across a driver who forgot the handbrake… Too bad He forgets the handbrake and doesn’t even realize it Under his car to repair the engine, he forgets the brake This tow truck driver loses his car and truck…double brake problem When a truck has no more brakes… Catastrophic Experiencing a Storm on board a cruise ship… an intense moment Traffic in China during New Year… impressive A very angry cat This tow truck driver loses his car and truck…double brake problem deea 4952 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 6 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in A biker narrowly escapes a chasing tiger deea December 2, 2023 He tries to steal a car with tinted windows while the owner is in it deea April 26, 2023 Meet the World’s Most Annoyed Cat…Still Angry deea April 22, 2023 A jet ski rider rescues a surfer deea February 5, 2025 Il prend une casserole brulante à pleines mains et ne sent rien deea November 7, 2024 Cristiano Ronaldo gets into his Rolls Royce…nice car deea January 22, 2023