PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This crane operator lights up his cigarette while his crane has just fallen He plays a joke on his cat by the pool The joke he plays on his cat is hilarious No way am I going to lower myself any further than that! How To Not Drive Your Car On Road This soldier walks with his robot dog… creepy This harmless fish is in fact a ferocious beast. Donkey Adopted by Elk Herd No Way Parasol surfing This soldier walks with his robot dog… creepy deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 53 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Manual demining… risky deea February 10, 2024 Crossing the road when you’re not young anymore, it becomes risky deea April 17, 2023 A thirsty eagle comes asking for a drink deea July 27, 2023 Never leave your kids with the peanut butter jar deea May 15, 2023 Karim Benzema compared to Father Fouras by a columnist on RMC deea March 12, 2023 A complicated landing on the snow deea February 7, 2024