PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Winter in Kazakhstan… cold, very cold Do your shopping… by car. Oops A very intense bungee jump… goodbye shoes Take a motorcycle ride… with your dog A dog on a motorbike waves hello to a biker with his paw This motocross champion has fun doing jumps with his dog Dog trapped on frozen lake narrowly saved A biker ski jumps on a motorcycle… Crazy Il saute au dessus de la piscine en moto Christmas present not really planned This motocross champion has fun doing jumps with his dog deea 4880 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Ce champion de motocross s’amuse à faire des sauts avec son chien (Visited 63 times, 1 visits today) animalanimal de compagniecascadechienchien motomotardmotomotocrosssaut motocross You might be interested in How to tow a car well… or not deea January 24, 2023 This motorist in a little too much of a hurry takes a car deea May 24, 2023 When you come home after touching another cat deea January 11, 2023 Little snack for a praying mantis deea March 22, 2024 When you play a bad joke on your dog deea May 9, 2024 When you cross paths with a huge anaconda coming out of the water deea October 12, 2023