PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This Danish army helicopter pilot lands on a boat in the middle of a storm… Incredible achievement When you are a football fan but you also have to revise for your exams Angry Pep Guardiola shoots a bottle and injures a staff member This mother cat is teaching her little ones how to survive… and do their shopping A helicopter that launches fireworks This is why pasta cooking water should not be thrown away Using his Lamborghini to cook his meat… failed, the engine is out of order Bus on fire in Nîmes Pick up a coconut Fail An 11-minute compilation containing 40 videos posted in the forum la Chambre des Liens de This is why pasta cooking water should not be thrown away deea 4900 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Voilà pourquoi il ne faut pas jeter l’eau de cuisson des pâtes. (Visited 41 times, 1 visits today) astucecuisinecuissoncuisson pateseau des patesinsolitepates You might be interested in This parking lot has become a real lake deea December 9, 2023 This monkey and this parrot are best friends… adorable deea October 13, 2024 They climb scaffolding on top of a skyscraper without any security deea June 18, 2023 Christmas present not really planned deea January 1, 2024 This driver climbs on the windshield of his Lamborghini and breaks it deea April 26, 2023 He films surreal and beautiful clouds in the Oregon sky deea October 22, 2024