PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Elle pense se faire braquer par un motard… pas du tout He refuses to be overtaken by a bus and will regret it He tries to save a cat that fell into the water He saves a cat that fell into the water… Nice gesture An 11-minute compilation containing 40 videos posted in the Chamber of Links forum This is a weekly compilation of funny and unusual videos available on Friday evenings. A web zapping to watch during the weekend. in the forum the Chamber of Links of But what does Koreusity mean? It’s a nod to the Curiosity robot that went to explore the planet Mars. When the kibble dispenser goes off cat This truck driver escapes just in time This is a weekly compilation of funny and unusual videos available on Friday evenings. A web zapping to watch during the weekend. deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 21 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Des trains qui se croisent à pleine vitesse… flippant deea December 29, 2024 A biker always lands on his feet deea June 9, 2023 This cat dominates the dogs… freaking out the kitty deea December 20, 2023 Zap Koreus n°445 deea August 6, 2024 Never park next to a pile of concrete bags deea June 21, 2023 This truck driver refuses to be overtaken but Karma will take care of him deea January 10, 2023
This is a weekly compilation of funny and unusual videos available on Friday evenings. A web zapping to watch during the weekend.
But what does Koreusity mean? It’s a nod to the Curiosity robot that went to explore the planet Mars.