PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This biker ends up on the roof of the car… lucky He tries to jump into the audience from the stage but will have very bad back Very slippery stairs but a nice reflex He carries a fridge on a motorbike This car might surprise you This cat knows where to find free fresh milk An Emirati comes to buy an entire car dealership Mbappé with the PSG jersey in Vaucluse created hysteria Very very hot truck drivers This is how we transport beer kegs This cat knows where to find free fresh milk deea 4885 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Ce chat sait où trouver du lait frais gratuit (Visited 167 times, 1 visits today) animalchatchienDrolefuninsolitemignonmugnon You might be interested in A truck driver in a little too much of a hurry to overtake deea May 22, 2023 This biker stops right between the thighs of a girl deea June 27, 2023 He reserves a little surprise for a parcel thief deea April 3, 2023 A motorist forces the passage and forgets to slow down deea April 13, 2023 Launching a ship…always impressive deea December 12, 2023 He uses the world’s largest chainsaw to cut down a giant sequoia deea October 20, 2024