PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This policeman avoids the worst thanks to a very good reflex The ride of Théo Hernandez then the full top corner strike against Lazio Des chinois découvrent un nid de guêpes de plus de 2m de haut This supporter is trying to distract a player who takes a penalty! And it works well He asks his dog to come home from work through the loudspeaker of his doorbell They wanted to straighten the water tower… It failed Amphibious tractor… It rolls under water Sardine fishing in India, very easy Boating in big waves: risky Dipping ice cream in boiling oil, bad idea They wanted to straighten the water tower… It failed deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Il voulaient redresser le chateau d’eau… C’est raté (Visited 1,218 times, 1 visits today) chateau deaudémolirdemolitionfailHonteinsoliterate You might be interested in He was told to slow down a little deea December 20, 2023 Un conducteur idiot double devant un chasse-neige deea January 21, 2024 Demba Ba reposts a video of Daniel Riolo playing football and makes fun of him deea March 20, 2024 Exploding fireworks in a tunnel… Risky deea November 29, 2023 Big stupidity of these lumberjacks deea July 19, 2023 Énorme fail lors de la mise à l’eau d’un bateau deea May 9, 2023