PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS These madmen throw themselves into the sea in the middle of a storm When you have no money for the dentist Œuf surprise Drivers surprised by large potholes Where did the big bear go They rescue dog trapped in Turkey earthquake cave-ins Launching fireworks in your garden… risky A biker disappears…nice magic trick This road is cursed… or poorly constructed We found Gandalf’s dog: you will not pass They rescue dog trapped in Turkey earthquake cave-ins deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Ils sauvent un chien piégé dans les effondrements du séisme en Turquie (Visited 52 times, 1 visits today) animalchieneffondrementherossauverseismeturquie You might be interested in He opens a giant swarm deea October 28, 2024 How long does it take to put on each of these nearly impossible tricks deea May 9, 2023 A hungry octopus jumps out of the water to grab a crab and eat it deea January 2, 2023 No speeding for this biker. He rides calmly deea September 16, 2024 This is why having a second dog changes your life deea February 20, 2025 He hides a secret from his wife in his garden for his evenings with friends deea May 30, 2023