PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS The Town Hall installs a narrowing of the roadway which traps many motorists She takes 9.5 G on the plane and her face feels them pass Little stupidity at the factory… finally, big dumpling 2 drivers in a hurry punished at the same time… double karma Short ride in a very very limited car The lucky guy of the day… a huge block of glass falls on his scooter Driving a convertible in the rain… bad idea He’s definitely having a better day than us What appears in the sky of Minnesota is magnificent: Parhelion or false sun The Town Hall installs a narrowing of the roadway which traps all drivers The lucky guy of the day… a huge block of glass falls on his scooter deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Le chanceux du jour… un énorme bloc de verre chute sur son scooter (Visited 305 times, 1 visits today) chancechanceuxfailinsolitekarma You might be interested in That tells you a little tour of this crazy ride deea May 8, 2024 Frittata aux pousses d’épinards et féta deea January 5, 2025 The destruction of a chimney has gone a little wrong deea April 17, 2023 2 parakeets play the guitar… In ACDC mode deea March 28, 2023 But who opened the doors of the plane in mid-flight deea June 23, 2023 Mbappé și Rudiger are going to joc deea October 6, 2024