PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS A car that comes from nowhere… and presto, straight into the garage An almost perfect drift with a Ford Mustang A rotating neck guitar A very angry guy He tries to repair a small leak… failed The anaconda that these Brazilians discovered in the Amazon River is immense This huge anaconda had eyes bigger than its stomach and spit out a cow They find a huge anaconda digesting in a stream An anaconda eating filmed up close… Impressive This diver encounters a 7m long anaconda snake underwater! The anaconda that these Brazilians discovered in the Amazon River is immense deea 5113 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 38 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Solidarity between lizards… rescue in extremis deea July 11, 2023 When your dog loves butterflies…yum deea September 29, 2023 This dog was thirsty, so he went to drink deea June 27, 2023 Faire du canoe Kayak avec des requins !! Hop le coup de pagaie deea January 22, 2023 This delivery man takes the bowl of his life deea April 20, 2023 When your neighbor destroys your freshly concreted driveway! deea February 13, 2025