PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This driver has a funny technique for overtaking in traffic jams Little evening crisis for this young dog… completely crazy A crazy woman refuses priority to a truck… hysterical at the wheel A dog separates a lion and a tiger… not even afraid This girl goes to a glasses store and she really needs it She misses a step on her boat… and it does not forgive A Chinese woman in panic because of an overly realistic 3D screen A diver swims next to a huge whale shark This snake wanted to take a little drive This old man passes on a sidewalk under renovation and it’s a bad idea She misses a step on her boat… and it does not forgive deea 4885 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Elle rate une marche sur son bateau… et ça ne pardonne pas (Visited 8,151 times, 6 visits today) bateauchuteDrolefailgamellehumourinsolitetomber You might be interested in Karim Benzema compared to Father Fouras by a columnist on RMC deea March 12, 2023 These madmen throw themselves into the sea in the middle of a storm deea February 10, 2023 Your video game controller does not vibrate enough… He has the solution deea April 21, 2023 He won’t let go of his bike… ready to do anything to save his load deea October 13, 2024 Une femme tente de voler un caddie de supermarché deea March 6, 2024 Drunk guy trying to escape from police while drinking a beer will be tased deea June 25, 2023