PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Soufflés aux champignons Quiche aux champignons et au jambon This bird trolls its master in a brilliant way This driver stops in the middle of an earthquake in a mountainous area in Iran… Impressive When your cat plays Minecraft Riding a scooter in the Maldives… Risky This is the largest swing in the world Hero of the day, he dives to save a person She needed to steal something… stronger than her Need to steal something Race between a rabbit and a turtle… guess who wins Rabbit and Turtle Race Riding a scooter in the Maldives… Risky deea 4770 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 69 times, 1 visits today) chanceuxhumourinsolitekarmalolmatchmignonmonstreRiding a scooter in the Maldives... Risky You might be interested in Gonfler un pneu de camion peut faire très mal aux doigts deea November 4, 2024 This dog is facing way too many cats…turn around deea September 10, 2024 Double punition deea January 19, 2023 This orchestra musician picks up the phone in the middle of a concert deea February 8, 2025 Your video game controller does not vibrate enough… He has the solution deea April 21, 2023 When you think you’ll be quiet for your romantic dinner at the restaurant deea May 26, 2023