PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS You don’t choose a cat, it chooses you From egg to large insect… incredible evolution Crash of an Italian patrol plane Drunk driver forces level crossing Impressive landslide near a highway Removing a boat from the water with a fenwick Curious way to put your back in place Honestly, he was almost there First ride on a motorbike and probably the last… Nice bowl Provoke a Bull FAIL Removing a boat from the water with a fenwick deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Il utilise un chariot élévateur pour retirer un bateau de l’eau (Visited 4,506 times, 1 visits today) bateauchariot élévateurfail You might be interested in This man really doesn’t like strangers parking in front of his house deea February 22, 2023 funny prank videos deea May 30, 2023 The queen of sticks… What talent deea December 4, 2023 Un dauphin saute à bord d’un bateau deea February 14, 2024 Un passage au carwash qui va couter cher à cet automobiliste deea March 3, 2024 He throws a huge firecracker in the tank of the garage and booooom deea March 15, 2023