“Almost successful” that are actually ISPs
Des “presque réussites” qui sont en fait des FAIL – compilation
But where is the driver of this truck
Mais où est le chauffeur de ce camion
Group of Deer Chase Woman For Food
This woman went to a park in Japan, where she wanted to feed the deer with the snacks she was given. However, as soon as the deer saw the food, they started chasing her around and pulling her clothes to get to the food. Finally, after playing with them for a bit she had to […]
This biker stops right between the thighs of a girl
Ce motard s’arrete pile entre les cuisses d’une fille
We call it parking with class
On appelle ça se garer avec classe
A pit filled with salt water in Egypt… ideal for floating in the sun
Une fosse remplie d’eau salée en Egypte… idéal pour flotter au soleil
This dog is running out of engine
Ce chien est en panne de moteur
Kylian Mbappé mocks Juan Bernat on PSG plane
Kylian Mbappé se moque de Juan Bernat dans l’avion du PSG