He crosses the train tracks, loses his shoe and risks his life to retrieve it as a train arrives 1.24K
This worker will have an incredible reflex to save his colleague Cet ouvrier va avoir un réflexe incroyable pour sauver son collègue 2.82K
He wants to steal a car but can’t start it…fail Il veut voler une voiture mais n’arrive pas à la démarrer… fail 95
This railway line passes as close as possible to the raging sea… Impressive Cette voie ferrée passe au plus prêt de la mer déchainée… Impressionnant 329
He shows off at the wheel of his BMW but will quickly regret it Il fait le beau au volant de sa BMW mais va vite le regretter 447
They call him the man with the cables… very skilled at walking on them On l’appelle l’homme au cables… très habile pour marcher dessus 361