A live report interrupted by a little unexpected… Pafff Un reportage en direct interrompu par un petit imprévu… Pafff 615
Feeding time for hundreds of monkeys… Impressive L’heure du repas pour des centaines de singes… Impressionnant 609
A slightly bumpy road… seasick in the middle of the ground Une route un peu houleuse… mal de mer en pleine terre 603
The echo of an explosion in a tunnel… incredible L’écho d’une explosion dans un tunnel… incroyable 591
A Birthday Party Full of Fails Occurred on February 10, 2023 / Gozo : Birthday party, the cake was thrown on the floor, saved cake, then the accidental smashing of the glass cake plate. 591
The bastard… Watch his reflex when his girlfriend falls off the cliff Le batard… Regardez son réflexe quand sa copine chute de la falaise 587