PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS I swear, it’s ok… another idiot in the car A cat sleeps in a chick’s bed… nothing could be sweeter This mother chooses the worst names for these twins who could ruin the lives of her children Take the elevator with a vacuum cleaner FAIL He goes to the wrong hole while refueling his boat A journalist encounters a small problem during her report in the metro This dog dreams of ice cream… ah, in fact it’s reality When your wife has eyes in the back of her head… flag A very risky end of the evening for this Sunday biker Cross the road haphazardly… and be very lucky No one can cross this icy road deea 5086 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 2,573 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in An absolutely brilliant couple game… and a little dangerous deea April 8, 2023 01:01 Different ways to trip on a branch deea January 6, 2024 This driver loves Christmas too much… but not the police deea January 2, 2024 This little joke almost went wrong deea February 3, 2023 Poke pimples: but where does this strange passion come from? deea May 21, 2023 Hyenas Killed a Leopard For Revenge deea January 23, 2024