PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS A circle of ice rotates in the middle of this river Trapped by her overly elastic pants Small plane makes emergency landing Lots of competition for entry to this Chinese art school This crow plays at sliding on a windshield… better than a slide It was one skid too many for this driver. Une murène amoureuse de l’employé qui nettoie l’aquarium Il veut aider un sanglier bloqué dans la neige Un sanglier attaque et renverse violemment un piéton Un sanglier arrache un portail… impressionnant It was one skid too many for this driver. deea 4770 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 28 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in A woman, a painting and an elevator deea November 20, 2024 Poor little slide deea May 25, 2023 But how did that car end up there deea July 27, 2023 Un plongeon risqué et raté du haut d’un arbre deea August 13, 2024 They found a way to avoid traffic jams deea March 5, 2023 Bouncing a girl on the back of the motorcycle… risky deea May 9, 2024