PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS A car leaves the road impressively Car hits moose head-on in the middle of the highway They gain enormous momentum on the highway. Severe crash A wild race on the highway that ends badly… Car on the roof A wild race on the highway that ends very badly for the drivers His car escapes him and ends up on the highway A biker who doesn’t really control his motorcycle This biker loses his motorcycle in the middle of a race He meets a very scary biker on the road A marriage that degenerates very quickly… Long live Russia His car escapes him and ends up on the highway deea 5086 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 1,582 times, 3 visits today) You might be interested in He misses his dive, takes the dish of his life… and creates a rainbow deea May 18, 2023 Un dauphin saute à bord d’un bateau deea February 14, 2024 A gaping hole swallows a truck deea September 29, 2024 This biker ends up in the trailer of a truck with his motorcycle deea May 10, 2023 This biker stops right between the thighs of a girl deea June 27, 2023 They intend to finish the meal on the terrace despite the storm deea May 24, 2024