PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS A customer who has no respect Crazy fireworks for the Feast of the Apostle Saint Paul in Palazzolo Acreide A little boat ride that shakes very hard Little girl takes cheap roller coaster ride Pulling a boat with your body He has a new drone… but doesn’t know how to use it A little drink break in the middle of an argument for these 2 dogs A risky and failed dive from the top of a tree BASE jumping on a flying carpet Un chat prend le taxi… ou presque He has a new drone… but doesn’t know how to use it deea 4882 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 64 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in This Ferrari driver gets stuck in a small street in Rome… what a shame deea August 27, 2024 Erling Haaland and his teammates try out the Frenchman deea April 20, 2023 How long does it take to put on each of these nearly impossible tricks deea May 9, 2023 A digger plays Jenga deea September 22, 2024 He tries to get his car out of the garage… and completely fails deea September 12, 2024 He stops on the highway to save a turtle and causes an accident deea May 21, 2023