PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Meeting between rabbits and a cat Australia: this kangaroo tries to drown a dog then its owner A 6m turban fish seen in Mexico… Impressive Oarfish His meal is interrupted by a tongue… thanks to the son This dog does the reversing radar He finds himself stuck in a parking lot with his van too high A man jumps on an out of control car to stop it… Nice A biker narrowly escapes a chasing tiger You take a look at the boiling water… okay This is what can happen to you on a towed buoy He finds himself stuck in a parking lot with his van too high deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Il se retrouve coincé dans un parking avec sa camionnette trop haute (Visited 536 times, 1 visits today) camioncoinceconduiredébilefailkarmaparkingse garer You might be interested in Ronaldo’s reaction when fans shout Messi in the stadium deea March 15, 2023 Cristiano Ronaldo’s son in his father’s footsteps… future champion deea February 1, 2023 That’s a big doggie deea July 29, 2023 A diver swims next to a huge whale shark deea January 25, 2023 When floods hit the metro… perched cat deea January 27, 2025 Hey lions, get a hotel room to do this deea May 14, 2023