PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS They will remember their little ride on the merry-go-round for a long time. It is not a mudslide but a rockslide in the mountains World’s largest snake discovered in Malaysia More than 10 m long and 1 m in diameter, they discover the largest snake in the world A couple of very clever thieves… beautiful duo England fan wakes up at 4am to empty stadium The world’s largest solar panel farm He goes through a tunnel in a paraglider Elle pense se faire braquer par un motard… pas du tout He refuses to be overtaken by a bus and will regret it England fan wakes up at 4am to empty stadium deea 5113 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 53 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Cet aigle n’est pas venu pour nourrir les oisillons… Non, non! deea August 12, 2024 Pod of Orcas on the lookout for seals in Antarctica deea September 1, 2023 Hey lions, get a hotel room to do this deea May 14, 2023 When you didn’t plan on doing a somersault and yet deea December 28, 2024 He saves his little sister who is crossing at the wrong time… Incredible reflex deea October 6, 2023 Audi pulls truck down snowy slope deea April 4, 2023