PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS When your friends are the worst buddies in the world Cristiano Ronaldo attacks his own bench at half-time This is how you impress a girl on a motorcycle The game of the bull risky but fun He tried to steer the wrong scooter oops Child narrowly rescued from being stuck on window sill A swan comes crashing into the windshield of a car… bad surprise This driver climbs on the windshield of his Lamborghini and breaks it An angry driver calmed down by the airbags… bad karma Very weird reaction from a bad driver Child narrowly rescued from being stuck on window sill deea 4886 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Un enfant sauvé de justesse alors qu’il était coincé au bord de la fenêtre (Visited 75 times, 1 visits today) enfantherosinterventionpompiersauversauvetage You might be interested in Their job as giant cobra breeders… crazy deea March 5, 2023 When a huge crocodile appears on a beach under the eyes of tourists deea May 17, 2023 Launching a ship…always impressive deea December 12, 2023 Lucky driver faces truck that misses turn deea June 28, 2024 This heron gets closer to this mother swan’s babies and will regret it deea December 3, 2023 Meet Hulk, the biggest pitbull in the world deea April 26, 2024