PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS When your excavator is out of control Look at the power of the piranha’s jaw There are those who throw and others who pick up. A frozen cat… or almost Le marquage de cette route est plutôt dangereux Ce camion emprunte une route inondée très dangereuse en bord de falaise This is how you restart a radiator… have a nice shower Centipede VS big snake…slightly scary insects This kid will never dance again It’s only raining on one car… mysterious Ce camion emprunte une route inondée très dangereuse en bord de falaise deea 4952 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 9 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Mirage avec un iceberg deea January 20, 2024 Granny on a bike finds herself on the same road as the champions during the Giro deea June 16, 2023 Un automobiliste pressé défonce le mur d’une propriété pour une raison très étrange deea February 17, 2023 Ooo, shit. That had to hurt. Seriously deea September 24, 2024 Mante religieuse VS Guêpes deea March 3, 2024 He finds a mother bear and her cubs in his swimming pool deea October 19, 2024
Un automobiliste pressé défonce le mur d’une propriété pour une raison très étrange deea February 17, 2023