PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS This driver panics when he meets a truck on a flooded road Big stupidity of these lumberjacks When the hunter becomes the prey: child and angry goose A 6-year-old child falls from a 12m high zip line and escapes unscathed This beaver abandoned at birth builds a dam in a house Bad day at work for this car repairman They save the life of a dangerous snake stuck in a can He warns another biker that his motorcycle is on fire Put a firecracker in his friend’s beer… Boooom Control, strike, Kai Havertz becomes the laughingstock of the web for his technical level Bad day at work for this car repairman deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Sale journée au boulot pour ce dépanneur de voiture (Visited 781 times, 1 visits today) dépannagefailHontehumourraterigolovoiture You might be interested in A fish is really very eager to eat deea June 2, 2023 Cet Orang-outan a adopté un bébé tigre et le nourrit au biberon deea December 24, 2023 Cats really are tricksters! poor sleeping dog deea July 17, 2023 They destroy a huge, impressive Asian hornet nest deea September 20, 2023 Failed boat inauguration deea April 16, 2024 She saves her guinea pig from a snake deea February 8, 2024