PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Des trains qui se croisent à pleine vitesse… flippant Un train peut en cacher un autre et te pourrir ta journée! Ahaha This dog adopted an adorable kitten This grandpa has fun dressing up in a women’s clothing store This dog loves classical music…so cute A very risky way to light the Christmas tree This dog is determined to follow his master to the hospital A firecracker in a refrigerator… bad idea A very strange fish…mysterious creature A fish truck unloading gone wrong… A very risky way to light the Christmas tree deea 4968 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 10 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in This worker will have an incredible reflex to save his colleague deea March 30, 2023 Un dauphin fait la course avec un bateau… Magnifique deea February 14, 2024 A motorist forces the passage and forgets to slow down deea April 13, 2023 Look at the power of the piranha’s jaw deea January 23, 2025 Angry Pep Guardiola shoots a bottle and injures a staff member deea January 19, 2023 Fearful but funny pandas deea January 16, 2025