PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Une lotte ça mange vraiment n’importe quoi… Ce chauffeur de camion a oublié qu’il transportait une pelleteuse en passant sous le pont Un camion détruit un pont en passant dessous… Chargement bien trop haut Des voitures et un bus franchissent un passage à niveau fermé A pony who doesn’t want to be saved… stubborn and stupid A mass, blindfolded… a bit of a scary game We can’t even eat peacefully anymore Trains crossing at full speed… scary This is how spiral balustrade railings are made This is what you risk if you commit traffic violations in Qatar A mass, blindfolded… a bit of a scary game deea 4952 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea (Visited 12 times, 1 visits today) You might be interested in Elle balance l’enceinte de touriste par dessus bord sur un bateau de croisiere deea August 14, 2024 He makes a sharp turn at almost 100 km/h and is thrown from the boat deea May 9, 2023 A perfect somersault… or almost deea April 16, 2023 It was the worst place to park your car deea January 15, 2025 A bus cuts the path of a truck and it’s a tragedy deea March 28, 2024 This truck driver narrowly saves his truck deea September 8, 2024