PREV VIDEO NEXT VIDEO MORE VIDEOS Police officers commandeer bikes on the street to chase liquor thief An angry rhino charges a tourist car Marbella police officers come to arrest a suspect in his gym This Estonian policeman knows how to stop a chase This lumberjack has found something better than a thrill ride A live report interrupted by a little unexpected… Pafff If you are not rich, this game is not for you and that’s a shame This biker explodes his Ducati by overtaking anyhow The octopus that these fishermen catch is monstrous Italy: A grandpa crashes into a cycling race and causes damage A live report interrupted by a little unexpected… Pafff deea 4884 Videos 0% 0 Likes By deea Un reportage en direct interrompu par un petit imprévu… Pafff (Visited 610 times, 1 visits today) betisierdirectfailhumourinsolitereportageTV You might be interested in He cuts the sheet metal of his pick-up and look what he will find inside deea January 8, 2023 A whale is beautiful in Antarctica, to the delight of tourists deea May 4, 2023 Mbappé s’embrouille et s’insulte avec Traoré, la séquence fait parler deea March 6, 2024 Ce pecheur en kayak va faire une drôle de rencontre… Gros alligator deea January 20, 2024 When the Dnipro river carries houses in Ukraine after the demolition of the dam deea June 8, 2023 Des passants bloquent la police en pleine course-poursuite au Brésil deea January 29, 2023